Breath for Watsu®
12jan(jan 12)09:0014(jan 14)16:00Breath for Watsu®
Event Details
WATSU® is the abbreviation for “Water Shiatsu” and is the
Event Details
WATSU® is the abbreviation for “Water Shiatsu” and is the world’s first form of Aquatic Bodywork. It is a deep relaxation technique based on zen shiatsu and developed since the 1980s by the poet Harold Dull.
WATSU® is the world’s first form of Aquatic Bodywork. Like massage, it can be applied professionally or shared with family and friends. Warm water, unconditional holding and treating the body as a whole, create space safe enough for the one in our arms to access every level of their being. Adapting WATSU® therapy’s established form to each, and Free Flow, engages our whole being.
Breath for Watsu®
This group has the focus on breathing and on the importance that breath has in our personal life and in the Watsu practice.
Breathing is the tool that helps the most to connect the deep parts of our being; water, on the other hand, is the vehicle of feelings, archetypal symbol of emotions and sensations.
With each breath the body, surrounded by warm water, has the opportunity to let go in a gentle floating that potentially leads back to the original state of contentment and well-being connected to the first experience of intrauterine life.
The connection with the breath is a fundamental aspect to be integrated in the WATSU® practice,
a precious tool that amplifies and refines the space of presence and listening to the self and the other.
In bringing presence to the breath the possibility to discover the countless potentials hidden in this gift constantly available for us, will be revealed.
Water breath dance will be the basics from where to start and the principal tool to explore empty spaces and silence.
Through simple exercises and meditation in water and on land, we will have the chance to increase the listening and the presence and acquiring new quality to our way of practicing WATSU®.
Water and breath will come together to accompany us on a journey of exploration, expanding the doors of feeling, bringing us close to the original source, where we will be able to honor our unique and unrepeatable authenticity.
At the end of the training, a certificate recognized by WABA (Worldwide Acquatic Bodywork Association) will be given to students and will be counted for 15 hours in the internationally recognized Watsu and Tantsu Practitioner Training.
Cost of the Training:
40 000 xpf
-Transportation, Meals, accommodation are not included in the cost of the training.
The Training will be at “Polynesian Watsu Center”.
12 (Friday) 09:00 - 14 (Sunday) 16:00
Watsu Polynesia Center
Moorea-Maiao, French Polynesia
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